I'm not quite sure in which forum to put this one but...it's more a digital question than anything else.

Are there any members here who install/service Naimnet/Netstreams kit? Preferably close to London.

My issue is that I have a full at home in London but am buying a place abroad and I want to put in a very limited two room system (based on kit I already own); a pair of Naimnet amps and a Naimnet streamer connected to a small Netsreams switch and to be controlled by a pair of Netstreams key pads and an iPad and backed up to a local NAS. Not very sophisticated. The problem is that there is no local installation/configuration capability that I can find. I was hoping to find someone who could configure/programme and test the lot on a test bench, fix the ip addresses and I could then get the CAT5/6 and power and speaker cables installed locally. Before anyone asks, the original installers flatly won't play ball because they can't warrant/guarantee the installation, even though I have told them I'd indemnify them...and hence why I'm not asking on the Naim forum either.

I would, of course, be paying the commercial rate for the work. Even if the work cannot be done officially, someone might be able to moonlight. I need to find someone with access to the installation software because Naim and NS insist on it being a closed professional installer only system.

Thanks in advance
