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Thread: Matrix Mini-I 24/192 DAC

  1. #1
    Join Date: Apr 2011

    Location: Norwich, UK

    Posts: 513
    I'm Ross.

    Question Matrix Mini-I 24/192 DAC

    Posted this in the "help dac" thread, but thought it deserved it's own thread. Does anyone have experience with one?

    £197 (plus import tax)...



    Mr. Yang Jing designed the Matrix Mini to compete with the best qualities of the Apogee Mini and Benchmark DAC1, a bold claim, but ultimately a stellar achievement considering I could hear no discernible differences between the Benchmark and the Matrix. It is no real surprise then that the Matrix Mini-I handily beat the DacMagic, Beresford TC-7520 and Little Dot DAC, all great performers in the $300-$500 price range.

    Where the Matrix stands out above the competition is it’s great ability to render detail but in a musical way. The built in headphone amplifier, while not amazing, has an almost tube like quality and was obviously designed well as it has a great synergy with the DAC. In fact, while other headphone amplifiers such as the Burson HA-160, Blue Circle SBH, ect. are quiet clearly superior, I had no problem listening to the Matrix Mini’s onboard amplifier and actually preferred it to the Little Dot MKIV and Firestone Audio Little Country.

    It is my strong belief that as a DAC/headamp combo, the Matrix is simply unrivaled in the sub $1000 range, even standing toe-to-toe with the Benchmark DAC1 at almost three times the price. It is no real surprise then that we have issued the Matrix Mini-I our 2010 editors choice award on top of the outstanding design award, making it the first product to win two awards. An achievement that even Morpheus would be proud of.

    This guy replaced his Bel Canto DAC 3 with one...


    After reading various sources, it's deemed to have a very musical/analogue sound. Interesting indeed! A competitor to the Gatored Caiman, and perhaps even the Rega DAC?
    Last edited by Yoga; 16-05-2011 at 16:06.
    Speakers: Kii THREE
    Headphones: Lumin A1 > Simaudio Moon 600i > Abyss AB-1266

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