Hi Everyone,

So it has been such a busy start to 2024, which is great news, but we haven’t had any time to update on all the new demo kit we have had through the doors this year so I am going to try and do a daily blog for the next week or so on new demo kit we now have here, they won’t be the longest articles ever but short and sweet snippets as an update.

To start with we have the new Rega Aya speakers on permanent demo, I guess their claim to fame will be that the cabinets are constructed from a 'Glass Reinforced Cement' which is certainly a first as far as I am aware, this has been done to help keep prices sensible as normal wooden cabinets are certainly getting more expensive to manufacture but they are also a great sounding speaker, especially for the £1499 asking price.

To be honest I was sold when I first saw them, they are very compact and just look right but different to anything else we have, their integrated feet make life nice and easy and add the overall look but they really do perform when it comes to sound quality giving an open and solid sound, the bass weight is particularly impressive, it is a very complete sound and the perfect partner for any system but particularly a Rega one with the Elex or Elicit amps and a Planar turntable.

Please find link to the Aya’s on our website where there is a great review from HiFi Choice and if you’d like to come in for a demo anytime please feel free.


