Quote Originally Posted by CageyH View Post
What makes the RPI better than a PC based system?
I am genuinely interested.

My PC is a silent PC, so has no moving parts. I did install fans into the case, as a “just in case” backup plan, but they do not need to be connected. The processor (an old i7-6700k) hits a maximum temperature of about 70 degrees C, so fanless if perfectly acceptable.

I also stream from Amazon Music, which I don’t think will run on an RPI?
Agreed. I repurposed a £25.00 used Dell Wyse DX0D thin client and loaded the (free) Daphile software which provides IME a smoother and superior LMS-based Linux interface compared to the likes of Volumio or Moode. It also has ripping capabilities built in.

I’ve given up on pis as the solutions seem a bit gimcrack and there’s too much fiddling about in Linux for my tastes but YMMV. The pi-based solutions are also now relatively expensive when you can buy a wiim and associated control app for less than £100.
