After some weeks of mildly inquisitive study, I now believe I grasp the rudiments of what's required of a 'typical' system configuration if I want to house WAV/FLAC files (music) on an NAS, access the music via a router linked to an "X" from a remote device (iPhone or iPad, Android phone or tablet) and play it through a DAC into a pre-amp/amp configuration leading to the speakers. Whew.

Question is: For the "X" above, why choose a computer over a music streamer?

I believe when it comes to computers, a lot of members of this Forum gravitate to Raspberry Pi's, which I suppose is partly because of the cost-benefit and fun tinkering factors, but also because of the choice of OS (Linux for example), thereby eschewing Apple and Microsoft. But are there other reasons?

And for those who've opted for music streamers, why have you done so?

I'm still up in the air about what to do, but think I'd like to avoid Mac Minis and possibly go for a Kangaroo Plus (NewEgg) or Chromebox/VivoMini (Asus) or Sirius B (Ockel).

The other day, however, an audiophile friend recommended I consider a music streamer from Aurender, which seems to fulfill the role of "X" without needing to buy a DAC or a computer, though at a higher price.

Hmmmm. I'm sure others have sat on the fence where I'm sitting now. Hence this new thread.