Quote Originally Posted by jonners View Post
I've streamed Qobuz from a tablet that way without any problems but I haven't tried Tidal yet.
You lose the TIDAL GUI too, which I didn't like. You have to play via Bubble uPnP as far as I remember.

I really think the best way is a dedicated laptop and a USB to SPDIF converter for Tom. Using things like uPnP apps and interfacing with an R-Pi probably isn't what Tom wants to get involved with. Tom just pick up a USB to SPDIF converter off ebay and find a PC or use your MacBook provided you can find a driver for the converter and a version of TIDAL that will run on it. Try and download TIDAL onto it to see if it at least runs?

At least just to try it that would be the easiest option. Spend more later if smitten.