Quote Originally Posted by Audio Al View Post
PC / Windows

I remember those days , spent hours booting up / hours running anti virus programs , got fed up with de fraging then switched off as I became bored

I then Seen the light " alleluia brother " i Mac

NEVER again will my doorway be darkened by anything Microsoft / PC

I am cured and content

I don't know what the problem is... Or should I say, your previous problems.

Less than 30 seconds to boot up, never had a virus - EVER! Only malware I have had was from a crack that was on a CD to get Nero to work.

As for a defragmentation program, you didn't use windows own one did you? Did you use their firewall as well?

I can defrag my main C drive in less than a minute & have it close packed on an NTFS system with zero fragments... Unlike the standard windoze defragger that would say it didn't need anything doing

I guess you just stuck with what you were given, I know I'd get fed up with that to...

Nothing at all wrong with a windows based machine, just don't use half of the windows cobblers programs that are already there, install better ones.

Jobs a good one