
This is just a quick introduction to say that Jason 'figlet108' dropped a TFS off at my place on Saturday:

...and after spending a very pleasant afternoon and evening listening to the beast with Jason (who is a thoroughly helpful and nice chap), I've been playing a multitude of music through it over the weekend, from ripped CDs to tunes from Spotify and YouTube, I have to say that, sonically, it is very impressive indeed, and it is also very user friendly (vital for a computer numpty like me)!

I'd been looking for a high-quality music streamer, well not actively as such, but if one came up that looked interesting and did what I wanted, then I'd take it further, and the TFS duly tripped my radar. First impressions suggest that this is a very special piece of kit, which has been shrewdly voiced to reproduce music not only convincingly, but with in a way which is extremely addictive. The TFS is a seriously fun listen and has all the usual hallmarks of equipment which has been tuned judiciously by ear.

I'll go into more detail about my experiences with the TFS in due course, as through using it, I become more familiar with its talents. This is simply a short introduction, but so far, connected up to my modified Sony DAS-R1 DAC, the TFS is showing signs of producing the finest sound I've heard to date from computer audio; in fact it's shaping up to be the finest sound I've ever heard from digital music replay - period!!

Watch this space, folks, for more updates and detailed analysis.....
