Quote Originally Posted by Barry View Post
23 April 1616
William Shakespeare died in Stratford-upon-Avon on what has traditionally been regarded as the 52nd anniversary of his birth in 1564.

23 April 1898
Spain declared war on the US, which responded in kind two days later.

23 April 2020
US president Donald Trump noted that researchers were looking at the effects of disinfectants on Covid-19 and wondered aloud during a White House press conference whether they could be injected into people. ( How stupid can you get? )
Well you could be the American voters who look set to bring him back. That's how stupid

24 April 2018 - Streaming music services overtake CD and vinyl sales for the first time according to IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry).

24 April 1968 - Paul McCartney "I'm not dead" shock denial.