Quote Originally Posted by Sherwood View Post
250 miles north of Cape Cross? Not much see see there. Not Opuwo by any chance?
A company got a concession for an eco-camp on the coast no further north of the Hoarusib river. No one is allowed further up the coast. The deal was you drove up to Mowe Bay and they picked you up and it is about 40 miles north over the dunes. We were one of the first visitors, a few weeks adfter it opened, for the first couple of days we were there only guests.

I wanted to go ever since a client of mine went down the coast from Angola in the late 1980s and took some great pictures. It was about that time that Eric Hesemans came down from DRC and played a big role in opening the area up. We went ballooning with Eric over Sossusvlei, where my hat disappeared and I got to wear his infamous hat, that could be mistaken for a sea lion.

I know one or two people who used to go down that way by boat and would often stop at Walvis Bay. I've no doubt my greatgrandfather, who got a British passport as a resident of Cape Colony, stopped at Walvis Bay on his trip to England.